
Charlotte Guezian

Location: London
Phone: 07476495289
Email: charlotteguezian@hotmail.com
Website: https://www.charlotteguezian.com/

In 2015, while traveling in Thailand, I fell in love with Thai massage, it was the perfect mix of my yoga practice and my passion for holistic therapies.

After 5 years specialising in Thai massage, I began an advanced clinical massage therapy diploma with The Jing Institute of Massage and Complementary Medicine in Brighton which combines sports remedial, myofascial release, trigger point therapy, Thai massage, and shiatsu techniques.

Today, my massage practice is the process of multiple approaches I have studied over the years which include: Thai massage, Thai reflexology, Thai hot herbal compresses, and the Jing Method.

A fusion of ancient healing practices from the East and modern advanced techniques from the West.

The result is a practice of my own, inspired by all these approaches. A practice combining intuitive touch, honest skills, and knowledge that provide the tools to treat and release chronic pain conditions and chronic stress.

My treatment requires a thorough consultation to offer a tailor-made approach for each client, some post-treatment self-care exercises, and a commitment to work together over a few sessions ensuring we work through the deeper layers of the issue, relieving held tensions, and coming away with freedom of movement within mind and body.

I’m registered with The British Register of Complementary Practitioners (BRCP), which is one of the longest-running, multi-disciplinary registers of Complementary and Alternative Medicine professional practitioners and therapists in the UK.


Clinical & Sports Massage First Treatment 75 min £80 | Follow-up 60 min £70

Clinical & Sports Massage 90 min £90 | Clinical & Sports Massage 120 min £110

3 x 60 min Treatment £195 | 6 x 60 min Treatment £380

Pre/Postnatal Massage 60 min £70 | 90 min £90 | 120 min £110

Add a Hot Herbal Compress To Any Massages £12

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