It’s a new world and let’s make it a better one for our clients.
Here is our new range of mini zoominar courses. Sign up to join us for the live zoominar and ask questions, or sign up after to get the recording & the host of other goodies. Either way, you will get full access to the online course and the pdf resources, and maybe even a few fun quizzes!
The Jing Method™ Consultation:
- Medical History
- Red and yellow Flags .. what is a true contraindication?
- Clinical Consideration of past and current medical conditions and/or factors
- Structural and Functional Elements – Are they able to walk, sit etc easily.
- Emotional Elements – What is the emotional presentation of your client? Confident, or frightened. Are they able to take ownership of their mind-bodies or do they need support.
- Keeping an open mind and practising non-judgement, while keeping to your professional boundaries as a Jing Clinical Massage Therapist.
- OPQRS (Origin, provocation, quality, referral and site of pain)
- The role of stress and other psychological factors
- Functional Limitations
- ROM Assessment
- Relating Anatomy to Pathology
- What Jing treatment in appropriate including Indicated Trigger Point, MFR, Sports Massage, and Stretching, Eastern Massage and Exercises for Self- Care
- Clinical Reasoning for a 6 treatment plan over the appropriate time period for the patient
A Jing Method Clinical Massage consultation uses the biopsychosocial model for working with clients’ in pain taking into consideration
In this series
- The Jing Method: Online Pre Treatment Screening and Consultation – Purchase Here
- The Jing Method: Online Consultation: Joint ROM Testing – Purchase Here
- The Jing Method: Online Workshop: How to justify your massage practice – Wednesday 11th November – 10am-12pm – Donate to book