The Jing Method: Neck and Shoulder Pain
Welcome to Jing and your online journey
We are thrilled you have chosen to join us in this exciting course that aims to give you the results you desire in the effective treatment of neck and shoulder pain. All of the great techniques and approaches we have loved teaching over the past 12 years are now right here – literally at your fingertips – to work through at your own time, place and pace!
To help your learning, the course is divided into modules and lessons:
The “How To Handbook” in lesson 1 takes you through detailed step by step instructions on how to get the best out of this course. Start here if you are new to our online courses.
The “Jing Fundamentals” in lessons 2-4 are bonus content that is common to all our courses and includes lessons in the great fundamentals such as body mechanics, draping, consultation and the approaches involved The Jing Method. Start here if you are new to Jing online learning. However, if you have already completed our other courses online then feel free to move on to the main act!
OK, we know you are itching to go so lets get you started!
The Jing Protocol
- 6: The Jing protocol for the treatment of neck and shoulder pain
- 6a: Beginnings: Application of heat and preparation work
- 6b: Fascial technique
- 6c: Muscle and trigger point techniques: Prone
- 6d: Muscle and trigger point techniques: Side lying
- 6e: Muscle and trigger point techniques: Supine
- 6f: Acupressure points for neck and shoulder pain