Jing News

Certificate in Musculo-Skeletal Anatomy


A wonderful poem written by the graduates of the Advanced Certificate in Musculo-Skeletal Anatomy 2012… We can’t believe how far we’ve come Having journeyed around the skeleton From DIP’s and PIP’s to MCP’s Tubercles, Pubicles and knobbly knees Suzie Ingram taught us well and soon had us enthralled Equipped with Learning tools to suit one […]

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Professional Beauty

Q&A with Meghan Mari and Rachel Fairweather, founders of The Jing Institute: Professional Beauty UK Interview

The Holistic Conference: Professional Beauty UK Q&A with Meghan Mari and Rachel Fairweather, founders of The Jing Institute When and why did you decide to set up The Jing Institute? A good question! The best things always start as the twinkle in somebody’s eye, the soft focus dream that eventually becomes reality -and Jing is […]

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